We worked with Flight Centre staff to produce an in-house identity for ParentWise as well as informative material and toolkits for parental leavers.
The Parentwise program offers a comprehensive range of beautifully designed booklets and toolkits to support parental leavers at Flight Centre Travel Group. Each booklet is thoughtfully crafted with engaging content and vibrant visuals to provide valuable information and resources for parents during their time away from work. The toolkits include practical tips, checklists, and interactive elements tailored to help parents stay connected with the company and their colleagues.
These booklets and toolkits are not just informative; they also serve as a constant reminder that Flight Centre Travel Group values and supports its employees, ensuring they feel appreciated and engaged throughout their parental leave journey.
Give us a call today on +44 (0) 7852 918 520, email us at hello@craveforgood.org or start an enquiry online by clicking below: